Sunday, April 25, 2010

Orville Redenbacher... You dog, you!

The art of popping popcorn is just that... an art. Timing is everything, especially in a microwave. You don't want to leave the bag in for too long because you don't want the popcorn to burn and you definitely don't want to leave the popcorn in for too little time because... well, then there wouldn't be enough popped deliciousness to curb your insatiable appetite. (I know I'm not the only one thinking about popcorn this much... or am I?)

Tonight I carefully unwrapped some of Redenbacher's ever-so-brilliant natural butter-flavored microwaveable popcorn. Alone, the popcorn is a dream. But, of course, is a dream ever good enough for Food: The Musical?

In reality, the popcorn took about 2 minutes and 30 seconds to agitate from a dense bag of golden kernels to a cloud of air-infused popped goodness. The contents of the bag were emptied into a huge brown bowl...

Butter was melted, kosher salt and granulated sugar were thrown around, and you better bet that chocolate chips were brought into the mix.

Fast forward five minutes... Watch out Mr. Redenbacher, here comes a microwaving superstar! (I don't mean to gloat. It's just... what Orville is to popcorn, I am to deserving ingredients everywhere.)

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